Tuesday, February 2, 2016

MHX Hammer tutorial


 Lets start with the Hunting Arts
typhoon trigger charging spinning attack

spinning meteor : powerful spinning attack

Provoke : taunts monster

Arial Style Hammer
benefits: ability to use arial moves, can charge in the air
disadvantage: only one hunter art, level 3 charge gone

Striker Style Hammer
Benefits: hunter arts available is 3,
Disadvantage: most powerful hit in triple X combo is gone[ god swing]

Bushido Hammer
Benefits: Awesome Bushido dodge, bushido charge attack
Disadvantage: 1 hunting art, you cant redirect and cant call back kinsect

Guild style Hammer
 Benefits: 2 hunting arts and traditional way of monster hunting
Disadvantage: not much

My Recommendation 
guild style because of simplicity but if your a veteran try aerial or bushido