Sunday, January 17, 2016

MHX great sword tutorial

 1st of all greatsword is best used doing the HIT AND RUN style

 Lets start with the Hunting Arts

Brimstone Slash : unleashes stored energy and you cant be stopped while doing this art

Lions Maw : store energy on you blade and your next attack will be powerful

Thrusting earth slash : poweful upward slash can be linked with lions maw for more POWA! 


Arial Style great sword
benefits: ability to use arial moves and charged arial moves
disadvantage: only one hunter art and you have no strong charge and super swipe, you cant charge on  the ground

Striker Style great sword
Benefits: hunter arts available is 3
Disadvantage: you have no strong charge and super swipe

Bushido Style great sword
Benefits: Awesome Bushido dodge, fast charging after a bushido dodge
Disadvantage: 1 hunting art and you have no strong charge and super swipe

Guild style great sword 
 Benefits: 2 hunting arts and traditional way of monster hunting
Disadvantage: not much lol

My Recommendation 
Use Guild style simply because it has all the best thing about a great sword

aerial style is fun thou XD

Saturday, January 2, 2016

MHX sword and shield tutorial

see hunting OIL info here
Lets start with the Hunting Arts

Round Force: 360 degrees spinning attack and you are invulnerable while doing this attack

Shoryugeki: is a rising strike and does knockout dmg when applied to the head

Blade dance : sword and shield combo that is good for status attacks


Arial Style Sns
benefits: ability to use arial moves
disadvantage: only one hunter art and you lose a vital part or the strongest part of the normal combo

Striker Style SnS 
Benefits: hunter arts available is 3
Disadvantage: you dont have the charge back atack[not wildly used]

Bushido Style SnS
Benefits: Awesome Bushido dodge
Disadvantage: 1 hunting art

My Recommendation 
Use Striker style simply because 3 hunting arts is too good or bushido if you really need that evade
see hunting OIL info here